Mass Surveillance:
The Practical Foundation of Tyranny

Last Update: 27 February, 2024

Topic: What is this Issue Concerning?

This topic concerns spying on you, typically done electronically, which is an extremely cost-effective and seriously invasive way.

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What is the Goal and Motivation of Mass Surveillance?

It seems to be to detect opposition at the earliest stages, in as much detail as possible, for its thorough erradication. The intent doesn't seem to be for any positive intent, only using information from people to attack them. For example, many people are getting arrested for their Facebook posts, but not a lot of people are being rewarded by Authorities for Facebook posts. You can't control a society effectively without detailed information on what's happening in terms of the information and ideas and social movements in that society.

Extreme surveillance is a requirement to support an extremely tyrannical regime, and seems requisite for any attempt to build a tyrannical and high-tech one world government.

There might be another, less obvious goal of surveillance. It has been argued that the reason there is a particular war against counter-narrative informatino right now is that the Establishment may not want it being found and incorporated into the 'minds' of the artificial intelligence they are also developing.

  1. Brighteon Broadcast News, Jan 3, 2023 - The end of HUMAN COGNITION dominance on planet Earth (feat. Zach Vorhies)

What the Threat is:

With your personal information, you can have your employment terminated, your house robbed, your family kidnapped, or yourself shot. For example, it is not unheard of for activists to be assassinated after their phone was hacked.

Importance: Why You Should Care

Privacy is a very under-appreciated and under-protected principle which surveillance aims to take from us. Without privacy we are very vulnerable. Although many people don't mind because they say they have 'nothing to hide', and they don't mind if everyone's privacy is invaded to catch 'terrorists', here's why defense of privacy remains important:

  1. Privacy is required to support most other human rights. Privacy is a human right (UN Universal Declaraion of Human Rights, Article 12) on which many others and democracy itself are based. Without privacy, you cannot express yourself without that expression being plain to authorities, who can easily punish you for it, legally or otherwise, and it doens't help that they write the laws. Similarly, you are extremely exposed if you try to organize any proteest. More than likely you will be forced to continually self-censor, and ultimately either resign yourself to agree with everything you are told, just to avoid stress, or else keep your opininos bottled inside forever for no one to hear.

  2. Your personal information makes it extremely easy for enemies to attack you. Whatever the attack, having your personal information makes it far easer. This includes your passwords (which are not excluded from surveillance), biometric information, your social insurance/security number, your home addreess, your personal files, and many other things which could potentially be used by an enemy against you or those you love. In fact, the most common justification for pro-surveillance legislation is that it's needed to catch terrorists: for clarity please just subsitute the word 'attack' for 'catch' and the word 'terrorists' for 'any arbitrary target'. The definition of 'terrorist' is so murky that it effectively means anyone with unconventional views; for example certainly Jesus Christ and His Apostles would have been considered 'terrorists' if the label was used at that time.

  3. You don't know where the information ends up

  4. You don't know if the information will ever be deleted

  5. You don't know who the information may be sold to

  6. You don't know who may inherit the information if the original Government or organization collapses

  7. You don't know if what's considered acceptable today will be considered unacceptable tomorrow, such that you could be punished tomorrow for what is accepted today if social ideologies change.

  8. The general public has been unfair to accept personal details about your past which they have no right to know. They seem to like to hear anything about the sex life of celebrities or public officials for example. If you think some things are your own business only, it's far more reliable to protect that information with privacy than depend on the Public to refuse a sensational story no matter how private.

  9. The general public has been unfair to judge someone's character today based on any wrong they did in teh past. Everyone has sinned in their life but most of us want to move on. Without privacy you can't move on: anyone's public life can be destroyed by finding something wrong they did in their life and then publicly emphasizing it. Most of us have made a mistake somewhere, but we are better people than that now, and it's not only personal but not fair to present us today based on a mistake we made in the past.

  10. Without privacy any kind of new idea is vulnerable to being stamped out as soon as it is expressed. Any new idea is a threat to old established ideas, and surveillance gives the Establishment exactly the tool to detect new ideas; they alreedy have the tools to stamp them out.

Ultimately, as this video explains, the less privacy you have, the less secure you are: THIS is why privacy is CRUCIAL

How Far this Issue Has Gone Already:

Although Government does not hesitate to install their own cameras, the preference seems to be towards getting us to pay for the surveillance infrastructure by Government hijacking hardware which is paid for by citizens to spy on thos same citizens without their knowledge or consent. In fact, the acronym SMART is said to actually mean 'secret military armament in residential technology'.

Communist Chinat today is successful to use surveillance so sophisticated that it tallies a live 'social credit score' corresponding to many of their online and offline behaviours, which it closely monitors through many cameras and devices in real time, and through data-sharing partnerships with private companies. China is already a surveillance state.

It's worth noting that the leader of the World Economic Forum has said China to be a 'role model'. Article 23 Nov 2022 : WEF Founder Klaus Schwab Says China Is 'Role Model for Many Countries'

How Far this Issue Might Go If Not Checked:

It seems to really know no limits. The Establishment wants to get surveillence into your body; even your own thoughts at the brain level.

How this Problem has been allowed to Grow:

The Public has been encouraged to develop a morality about privacy which is opposite to sense: encouraged to see individual secrecy as dangerous and evil but Government secrecy as necessary and good. The truth is that individual privacy/secrecy is necessary for humanity to develop beyond the orthodox, and to protect human rights from authoritarianism, while Government secrecty thwarts democracy by ensuring that voters never have the correct or complete information on any issue we are supposed to decide.

How or Why this Issue has Been Allowed to Propagate

Surveillance strongly favours the Establishment, so the Establishment keeps pushing it, with little pushback from the Public. The Public seems to fearfully accept the argument that it's only for catching other (bad) people not them.

Parts to the Problem:

  1. Social Media Monitoring by Government

  2. Cellphone Surveillance

    Cellphones are the most multi-function devices most of us use, including functions of: voice communication, text message communication, email communication, web browsing (including social media and banking sites or through their apps), file storage and processing, location services, camera recording, microphone recording, and more.

    Unfortunately, this makes them a goldmine of different types of data collected on you in one place, for spyware to exploit against you. The location information alone can and has often been used as the targetting beacon for airstrikees.

    Amazingly, spyware can be installed not only by installing a malicious software, and not only by simply clicking a malicious link, but in some advanced techniques, even by not doing anything unusual.

  3. Facial Recognition (usually combined with AI)

  4. Digital IDs

  5. Central Bank Digitial Currencies

    Amazingly, these are not just simply an electronic payment system, but money that's programmable by the authority, such as to restrict what kinds of purchases you make make with it.

  6. A related petition in Canada: REJECT Digital ID in Canada! -- Contact your MP today!

  7. Internet Tracking by Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

    They can be made to hand over your browsing history to law enforcement authorities.

  8. Internet Tracking by Search Engines

  9. Internet Tracking by Websites

  10. Internet Tracking by WiFi Routers

  11. Tracking stored in your Internet Browser History

  12. Digital Money issued by Government which reports your spending to Government (please see our page on CBDCs). This is not to be confused with forms of digital money developed privately of kinds which support privacy (we may write an article on cryptocurrencies in the future).

  13. Rollout of surveillance programs under guise of medical necessity

  14. Data Mining at by Customs Agents

  15. Internet of things

    This is basically your household products reporting data on you back to a central authority.

  16. Internet of bodies.

    This is microcircuitry on or in your own body reporting data on you back to a central authority. It is already rolled out to the Public, under monetary rewards for participation.

  17. Maybe even tracking by your SIM card itself

  18. Vegetable Garden Surveillance(!)


  • Internet-Related Countermeasures
    1. Use Private/Incognito mode on your broswer. Beware this is usually only a boost of privacy between you and other users of that device, not between you and the outside world.

    2. Set your browser to use https encryption everywhere available. This helps protect spying between you and the other end of the internet connection.

    3. Prefer cable to WiFi internet connectivity.

    4. Use a VPN to disguise your IP (internt) address.

    5. Use TOR browser. This uses layers of encryption to make it difficult for the other end of your connection to identify you.

    6. Remove your phone's SIM card.January 25, 2024: No SIM? No Problem!

  • Go through the settings of your device and turn off those which compromise privacy. The Establishment likes to enslave you with your consent, as much as feasible for them, so if you look deep enough, you can often find where that consent is given and turn it off. You might start with the location-tracking functions.

  • Prefer more privacy-oriented messeging apps such as Signal or Session.

  • Find ways to avoid facial recognition.Jun 7, 2019: 4 Ways to Avoid Facial Recognition Online and in Public

  • Don't assume a conversation is private until you confirm it is.

  • Generally prefer encryption in your computing and communications. For example, you might use an operating System with whole-disk encryption, or Veracrypt file containers.

  • Leave your phone far away from any super-sensitive conversations.

  • Demand a higher quality of software from developers which doesn't include vulnerabilites. Security vulnerability is a flaw. Demand that they fix it before they release it rather then patch it with an update later.

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