Prayer and Miracles: The Nail and Hammer of Good
Last Update: 15 June 2024
What is this Issue Concerning?
Prayer is an intentional appeal to God, the Supreme Being, for help on any issue. Prayer is a reaching up to God.
Miracles are typically a divine response to prayer: a kind of reaching down by God to help us.
Which Other Topics are Related to this Issue?
Religion, Creationism.
What is the Threat or Benefit to Life Is in this Issue:
Prayer being the most available, affordable, usable, and potentially powerful tool of humanity, invoking it more often would be to our great benefit.
Is there a deception related to this issue in modern conventioanl human culture?
Yes. Prayer has been mocked and dismissed as a virtually useless practice of fools, doing nothing more than making those who pray feel better.
Is there something which supports that deception?
Yes. News about miracles from prayer tend to be suppressed, even by Chuches, such that the Public might think there is no such thing today. Sharing of information on miracles and miraculous sites tends to be done by individuals and small groups, with little or no help from large organizations. This writer has at least three times seen signage indicating miraculous events be removed and at least one case of a major-in-miracles shrine by suppressed into opposition by nearby churches.
We need more tools than our political system offers. We live in a social system designed to have us believe that it provides us with tools for positive change, but, as a matter of their design, the tools provided by the Establishment are near-powerless against whatever the Establishment wants. For example, although it is morally required to object to wrongs you have some say over, no matter the size of petitions or protestts they can simply be ignored and usually are; neither are the people you elect obligated to keep their promises to you and it's not rare for them to do the exact opposite (example: president Zelensky was elected on a peace platform, even that he would negotiate directly with Russian president Putin, when in fact he made it illegal to negotiate with Putin). Similarly, even most legislation protecting human rights has a clause in it somewhere which the Government can use at its discretion to override any of those same rights at any time. Even if we have a little power, Government has so many levels of secrecy to it that it's not easy to know what is really happening or what their role in it is, and the danger of intervening on the wrong side ignorantly is real.
The only tool we know about which is widely available, requires no one else's permission, is impossible to stop, and can compensate for unknown facts is prayer. Prayer is not merely a last resort to make yourself feel better but a supremely powerful tool when done persistently and wholeheartedly. Underestimation of the power of this tool is the only weakness. Prayer alone has raised the dead, created food, changed regimes, and caused missiles to return to their sender. There is no issue which cannot be solved by prayer alone (although it is improper to call on God for help in those things you can easily do for yourself). With prayer you can never be disabled: even silent prayer alone is effective.
When prayer is the foremost thing you rely on, then you are on the most solid ground.
Interestingly, most religions are based on someone's prayers being answered.
There is a certain skill to prayer, and the more skilled the praying person the more powerful the prayer, faith and wholeheartedness being essential for real power. Invoking the divine name, such as Jesus Christ, is especially potent.
Regular prayer for issues is very helpful.
The connection between prayer and miracles is not always obvious to an outsider, but is more a matter of personal relationship, since prayer may not be answered immediately or in the way that we think. Moreover, miracles of emergency protection might be attributed to prayers of protection which you said at some other timee, or someone praying for you.
Don't expect help with anything you don't pray about at least generally (though you may get it by God's grace). You can ask and receive unlimited things by prayer, but only what you pray for.
No matter how bad your situation might be, you must pray with gratitude, starting from an attitude of zero entitlement. However repetition is permitted and is not considered disrespectful. To be honest, it often takes repetition even on the side of the praying person to pray it better and better.
We hope to add much more to this section soon.
Quality 1: Investigations which you can do yourself and which do not depend on trusting someone else to describe reality to you:
Ask God something.
Quality 3: Hard Evidence, by type:
REAL Miracle Caught On Tape !! 5 year old escapes death !!
Miracle of blind eye OPENING caught on camera!
Proof God is real, Miracles caught on film
Virgin Mary Apparition In Clearwater Florida: A Sign that Brought Many Back To Their Faith!
Quality 4: Verifiable Official or Establishment Disclosures:
Usually every saint
Quality 5: Eyewitness including Whistelblower Testimony
Quality 7: Sacred Scripture
There are lots of miracles in Scripture. Read it. We hope to list some of the specific ones soon.
Quality 9: Improbable Events Suggesting this Explanation
What truth can we conclude about this issue?Prayer is a wonderul tool which we should be developming, not only acknowledging, and definitely not ignoring.
What truth can we conclude about the threat or benefit and urgency of this issue for society?In a time of so much evil and need in the world, we should be using prayer far more, even as the primary reliance, for the power good needs to win.
Our Suggestions for Individual Action:
Suggested things to pray about:
A protection of innocent civilians everywhere. Some would say children, but we see all lives as valuable so we might as well include everyone.
A victory of truth in society.
A victory of wisdom in society.
A victory of peace in society.
Righteous government.
A value and protection of the pre-born (human children).
A compassion for animals.
A support for good initiatives of all kinds.